Holding The Trucking Industry Accountable For Negligence

Accidents involving tractor-trailers and other commercial vehicles claims are highly complex. Trucking companies immediately open investigations to create ways to avoid liability. With the size, weight and power involved with a big rig, injuries are frequently catastrophic or fatal. Since settlements associated with big rig wrecks can be costly, both trucking and insurance companies fight hard to protect their own interests in personal injury claims.
Each attorney at Fabiano Law Offices in Rockford has extensive inside knowledge of how big businesses, insurance companies and the insurance defense industry build their cases. We draw on that insight and our decades of trial experience fighting for the rights of accident victims to level the playing field. We analyze and investigate every relevant detail surrounding the collision to prove liability. We work with accident reconstructionists, medical professionals and life care planners to provide a complete picture to show the insurance companies, judges and juries the full scope of the case.

Conducting Thorough Investigations To Maximize Your Recovery

We realize that the truck driver may not be the only negligent party. Trucking companies place great pressure on drivers to haul goods on tight schedules. Truck maintenance is often overlooked to cut costs.

We have the resources and knowledge of where to look for misconduct or negligence surrounding the wreck, including:

  • Distracted driving
  • Truck driver fatigue
  • Impairment
  • Failure to properly maintain trucks
  • Improper hiring, training or supervision
  • Unsafe loads
  • Failure to follow trucking industry safety rules

The injuries in an 18-wheeler accident frequently have lifelong physical, emotional, mental and financial repercussions. Families struggle with the high costs of medical care, physical and occupational rehabilitative requirements, and adaptations to housing.

Let Our Legal Team Help You After A Truck Accident

Experts are often required to prove liability, fault and damages. We have the legal skill and resources to present a convincing case to maximize compensation for our clients.

If you have suffered devastating injuries, or a loved one has been fatally injured in an accident with a big rig, we invite you to call our Rockford office at 815-315-4277 or send us an email. We offer free, confidential consultations.