One of the most dangerous things that residents of Illinois do every day is step into their automobile. While you may be a very safe and cautious driver, there is no guarantee that the other drivers sharing the road with you will be. In fact, depending on when you are driving, there is a high likelihood that fellow drivers on the road may be intoxicated. It is important for you to understand the signs of an intoxicated driver and what to do if you notice one. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, signs of a drugged or drunk driver could include tailgating, weaving, drifting in and out of traffic lanes, and driving below the speed limit. 

If you happen to suspect that a motorist on the road is drunk, the first thing to do is keep your distance. If they suddenly swerve off the road, you do not want to be hit by them. Assuming that you are at a safe distance, it is a good idea to try and get down the license plate number of the car as well as recognize the make, model, and color if at all possible. If a car happens to have any identifying features, such as bumper stickers or rust spots, note those down as well. 

With this information, call 911 and alert the police. In addition to the information above, if you are reasonably familiar with the area and can estimate where the driver may be going next, make sure to do this. This will allow the police to get involved and take drunk and drugged drivers off the road. It is not just your safety that you are protecting: it is everybody on the roadway.