What is human rabies immune globulin?

A bite from an unvaccinated dog, cat or another type of animal in Illinois typically requires you to receive anti-rabies prophylaxis, i.e., injectable medications to protect you from contracting the disease. Rabies takes a relatively long time to incubate in the body,...

How can I protect kids on Halloween?

Are you planning on giving out candy at your home on Halloween? While this can be a fun night for all, homeowners should take extra steps to ensure their property is safe for trick or treaters. Problems on your property can lead to serious injuries depending on the...

What should I do after a cat bite?

Many people often worry about loose dogs and dog bites, but there is just as much concern about cats. With feral cats being a concern in many Illinois neighborhoods, it is important that you understand what to do if you are bitten by a cat. This information is even...